Tattva, 2006

Tattva series objectify my vivid impressions of my journey to Ladhak. The human forms are peaceful, serene, unfinished, mystical and create an atmosphere of total silence.
The lotus, symbolising the inner spiritual potential of our inner being is waiting to blossom. This realization of the Lotus within us helps us to rise above the murky waters of negative energies. Almost like my experience of the land that makes you feel as if you are all alone in this world, in another planet and gives you a spiritual high. These images and colours appear as if they are caught in a dream, which gives you an image of the world around us in a fresh light.
In this pure environment the simplest objects acquires the delightful shades of nature, devoid of any complexity, bringing you closer to God.
The recent works are about nature and its elements ' tattva'
The whole universe is made up of five basic elements, the earth, water, fire, air and space
Prithvi (Earth)
Human beings have a natural and emotional affinity with the Earth. The Earth revolves around the Sun and has gravitational and magnetic force. Scientists have proved that earth is a huge magnet with two poles-North pole and South pole. Similarly life on earth is not possible without these two opposite, man and woman
Jal (Water)
After earth, water is the most important element. It is linked to our senses of taste, touch, sight and hearing. It is quantitatively the largest of the five elements, as more than 80% of our body and two-third of earth's surface is water. Creation stems from water and thus life goes on.
Agni (Fire)
Sun is the most vital source of energy and light. It is the soul of the universe. Agni to me is the fire that burns in every human , that makes life possible
Vayu (Air)
The Air or Vayu is vital for our survival. It touches all the elements of life
Aakash or the space is infinite and limitless
These elements and positive forces of nature are all important and the only truth . Man , woman , nature all become one and the whole atmosphere is vibrant and resonating with these positive forces.