Shunya, 2007

"They call Him emptiness, who is the Truth of truths, in whom all truths are stored',
(Tagore's translation of poet Kabir's poem)

Shunya means Void or Nothingness
Emptiness must not be understood as simple nihilism
(the denial that anything exists),
Rather, things are "empty" in the sense of lacking
independent, persistent existence.
This void is a metaphysical reality,
an experience of the Absolute truth
Freedom from the distortion and limitations of
conceptual understanding or vikalpa.
This Reality embraces all, includes all and transcends all
It is in Shunya that everything becomes possible .

The works in this series comprehend 'shunya' as a space which is always here, within us and all around us, a stillness, an apparent void, a seeming nothingness out of which everything arises, exists, and eventually returns